The Journey Never Ends

Muslim Aziz
4 min readJun 19, 2021


I was putting off writing this blog for about a week, not because I didn’t know what to write, or how to express myself; but on a subconscious level, I felt it would be like admitting that the journey I had started three months ago was now ending. And with the deadline of the blog approaching I guess there’s no way of avoiding it now. So this is it, my last blog for Amal Academy.

These past three months had been adventurous to say the least, I got the chance to explore things I normally wouldn’t have done (or even know how to); like finding my WHY, making SMART goals, connecting with the community through our mega project, writing blogs, and much more. But maybe the best part of the fellowship was meeting, interacting and connecting with all these different, quirky, talented, and jugari people.

Much to the annoyance of our PM Sir Anis, and APM Ma’am Aalia, the session started like any other session — with most of the fellows joining in late.

The first half an hour or so was spent by different fellows talking about what expectation they had before joining Amal and how much of those expectations were met.

Then we moved on to the best part of the session — The Scavenger Hunt game, where we were divided into two teams, and each member of the team had to solve a riddle and take a selfie with the answer. Unfortunately, our team ended up losing by a few points.

Gearing up for the scavenger hunt

Though the best part of that game came when we were discussing the results, and it got so chaotic with people arguing and making fun of one another that it felt…I don’t know…like we were sitting in an actual class and having a banter like we had known each other for several years. More than anything, this activity cemented in my mind that these people were worth hanging on to.

At the end of the session we put on our virtual graduation hats, and held-up our “Thank You” signs for Sir Anis and Ma’am Aalia, who had guided us throughout these months, and had showed us nothing but love, even when we stretched their patience to their absolute limits.

After the session had officially ended, we talked about various ways we could stay in-touch, the WhatsApp and Facebook groups were obvious options to stay connected. But there was also Medium, the place where we spent the last three months writing blogs on, and we could still keep up with each other’s activities through the blogs we posted.

We were also planning a meetup, to just hangout and socialize, though that part might be difficult to pull off due to everyone’s schedule. But, that’s not to say that it’s completely off the table.

There’s a lot I’ve learned over these past few months, not just about various professional skills, but also about myself. I plan to carry the tips I learned about résumé, cover letters and interviews and apply them to all the future jobs I apply for. A part from that I developed a bit of an interest in blog writing, and I plan to continue exploring this interest further, by learning more about it, and more importantly, by just doing it.

Though the three months of our fellowship are now officially over, the path of self-improvement and growth still goes on, and so our journey continues…



Muslim Aziz

Chemical Engineer | Amal Fellow | On the path of self-improvement